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Writer's picturecreativecarolceleb

Day 6 - Daily Sharing of: Gratitude, Concern, Prayer/Inspiration

Gratitude 1) Enjoyed College Avenue Presbyterian Church opportunity to worship together via Zoom. 2) Neighbors texting me to share they were coming by with their dogs so I could come out on my porch and get a little interaction from a far with exceptional humans and animals! 3 One of my favorite Pilates instructors presenting instruction about nutrition to cleanse at this time via Zoom. 4) I was to have left for 10 days on Maui today. Seems trivial now. Grateful I am home... there's no place like home. Sending Aloha spirit to Hawaiians. 5) Personal Pet Therapy with my cats who go “zoom” in their crazed states; without the use of a computer. (Photo today from my postion with my cats in their calm state.)

Concern My heart breaks learning of more and more infected; and hearing of a dear friend’s 26 year old nephew who is hospitalized, most likely with COVID-19 but testing obstacles continue. Then looking at all the places in the world and thinking of loved ones; especially in marginalized areas where oppression already exists and puts access to care more dire.

Prayer/Inspiration comes today as I struggle with patience and concern about what is to come. It reminds me of a childhood camp song talking about Going on a Lion Hunt; stating when facing fear or difficulty: I can’t go over it, I can’t go around it, I can’t go over it, I have to go through it. Or perhaps William Shakespeare captures it with: “Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod” May we all find the strength and ways to go through this. May those directly affected feeling support from afar. May we make it to the other side… plodding through… together. May it be so.

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