During this time of not much control; many experts are saying to find routine and structure. I’m grateful for a Mindful Nutrition Class that came up just as the shelter in place began in California. We met today and meet twice a week on Zoom or FaceBook Live. After finishing off a half gallon of Butterfinger Ice Cream on day 1 and 2 of this experience, I decided one thing I could control is what I feed my body, mind and soul. The coach for the class is just what I need… a realist, a cheerleader, a grace giver. I’m almost two weeks in and have been eating healthy foods and drinking a ton of water. I enjoy cooking and have enjoyed creating foods that work with my nutrition plan. I’ve already cut out meat and most dairy products. I’m enjoying cooking so much that I found some friends who are essential workers and need healthy food for their family. So I’m grateful I get to cook things for them since I can’t eat all my creations. As with celebrations such as weddings and memorial services, where I use my creative skills… it is clear in this time that cooking is also one of my creative loves. It is a bit like a puzzle figuring out what to cook with the whole food ingredients we can get. Today I delivered to my friends: two kinds of soups, two loaves of bread, beets and from the beets sautéed beet greens. Extra bonus was walked the food over to their house to leave on the front porch and get in my much needed exercise. I worry about so many as I hear more and more stories of the millions without jobs or with health compromised. I understand how fortunate I am. My heart breaks more and more… today I heard heartbreak and pain of the husband of an ER doctor who died in New York. Later I received a list of names of all the healthcare workers around the world who have died thus far. My prayer this night is for all the ways we can reach out and help others at this time. Those known to us and those we may never meet. Whether it be simple acts of kindness, sidewalk chalk inspiration and art, prayers, donations, food, hand-made masks, smiles, a wave, teddy bears in the windows… And may we all find others who we may exchange all the gifts of reality, cheerleading and grace. And perhaps coach ourselves to give ourselves all that, and more. May it be so…
Originally Published to Facebook on April 3rd, 2020 at https://www.facebook.com/creativecarolcelebrant/posts/150407006449499