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Day 8 - Daily Sharing of: Gratitude, Concern, Prayer/Inspiration

Today I mailed my family Round Robin letter. In any celebration I help create, family is most often a part of that. After my Mother died in 2009, I found a family tree in her belongings; and with that made a phone call to the sender of the letter with the tree. Since then I have been connected with my Swiss relatives through my maternal Grandmother’s line. Along with attending family reunions every two years and growing our connection, I was invited into the Round Robin letter. The letter is sent thorugh snail mail… the old fashioned way. Each cousin writes a one page letter of what is happening in their life at that time. So today I removed my last letter from last year and put my new letter on top of the stack of letters in chronological order. The next cousin I mail it to is the first cousin I contacted and his wife wo are in their 90’s and celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at our reunion in 2017. In these times, this connection to family, reading their letters and sending the Round Robin on it’s way brought me profound joy and I am so grateful!

Concerns today as I hear more stories of families around the World impacted by this virus. And more healthcare workers at risk and still working to care for others. And the reality that this virus does not discriminate based on age.

Prayer tonight is from W. E. B. Du Bois

Help us, O Lord, to remember our kindred beyond the sea — all those who bend in bonds, of our own blood and of human kind — the lowly and the wretched, the ignorant and the weak. We are one world… and one great human problem and what we do here goes to solve not only our petty troubles alone but the difficulties and desires of millions unborn and unknown. Let us then realize our responsibilities and gain strength to bear them worthily

May it be so.


Originally Published to Facebook on March 25th, 2020 at

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